DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- Security DomainId securityDomainId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ITU-T (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) securityDomain (2)} -- Security Subdomains fraudSubDomainId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {securityDomainId fraud (1)} lawfulInterceptSubDomainId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {securityDomainId lawfulIntercept (2)} -- LawfulIntercept Subdomains hi1DomainId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {lawfulInterceptSubDomainId hi1 (0)} hi2DomainId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {lawfulInterceptSubDomainId hi2 (1)} hi3DomainId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {lawfulInterceptSubDomainId hi3 (2)} himDomainId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {lawfulInterceptSubDomainId him (3)} -- HI1 Subdomains hi1NotificationOperations OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hi1DomainId notificationOperations (1)} -- HI3 Subdomains hi3CircuitLISubDomainId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hi3DomainId circuitLI (1)} hi3TETRALISubDomainId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hi3DomainId tETRALI (2)} -- For further study hi3GPRSLISubDomainId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hi3DomainId gPRSLI (3)} -- For further study hi3CCLinkLISubDomainId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hi3DomainId cclinkLI (4)} hi3GSMLISubDomainId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hi3DomainId gSMLI (5)} -- For further study END -- SecurityDomainDefinitions HIManagementOperations { ITU-T (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) securityDomain (2) lawfulIntercept (2) him (3) version2 (2)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS sending-of-Password, data-Link-Test, end-Of-Connection ; IMPORTS OPERATION, ERROR FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {joint-iso-itu-t (2) remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)} himDomainId FROM SecurityDomainDefinitions { ITU-T (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) securityDomain (2)}; sending-of-Password OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT Password-Name ERRORS { ErrorsHim } CODE global:{ himDomainId sending-of-Password (1) version1 (1)} } -- Class 2 operation . The timer must be set to a value between 3 s and 240s. -- The timer default value is 60s. data-Link-Test OPERATION ::= { ERRORS { other-failure-causes } CODE global:{ himDomainId data-link-test (2) version1 (1)} } -- Class 2 operation . The timer must be set to a value between 3s and 240s. --The timer default value is 60s. end-Of-Connection OPERATION ::= { ERRORS { other-failure-causes } CODE global:{ himDomainId end-of-connection (3) version1 (1)} } -- Class 2 operation . The timer must be set to a value between 3s and 240s. -- The timer default value is 60s. other-failure-causes ERROR ::= { CODE local:0} missing-parameter ERROR ::= { CODE local:1} unknown-parameter ERROR ::= { CODE local:2} erroneous-parameter ERROR ::= { CODE local:3} ErrorsHim ERROR ::= { other-failure-causes | missing-parameter | unknown-parameter | erroneous-parameter } Password-Name ::= SEQUENCE { password [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..25)), name [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..25)), ...} -- IA5 string recommended END -- HIManagementOperations HI1NotificationOperations { ITU-T (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) securityDomain (2) lawfulIntercept (2) hi1 (0) notificationOperations (1) version2 (2)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OPERATION, ERROR FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {joint-iso-itu-t (2) remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)} hi1NotificationOperations FROM SecurityDomainDefinitions { ITU-T (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) securityDomain (2)} CommunicationIdentifier, TimeStamp, LawfulInterceptionIdentifier FROM HI2Operations { ITU-T (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) securityDomain (2) lawfulIntercept (2) hi2 (1) version2 (2)}; sending-of-HI1-Notification OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT HI1-Operation ERRORS { ErrorHI1Notifications } CODE global:{ hi1NotificationOperations version1 (1)} } -- Class 2 operation . The timer shall be set to a value between 3 s and 240 s. -- The timer default value is 60s. -- NOTE: The value for this timer is to be set on the equipment waiting for the returned message; -- its value shall be agreed between the NWO/AP/SvP and the LEA, depending on their equipment -- properties. other-failure-causes ERROR ::= { CODE local:0} missing-parameter ERROR ::= { CODE local:1} unknown-parameter ERROR ::= { CODE local:2} erroneous-parameter ERROR ::= { CODE local:3} ErrorHI1Notifications ERROR ::= { other-failure-causes | missing-parameter | unknown-parameter | erroneous-parameter } HI1-Operation ::= CHOICE { liActivated [1] Notification, liDeactivated [2] Notification, liModified [3] Notification, alarms-indicator [4] Alarm-Indicator } Notification ::= SEQUENCE { lawfulInterceptionIdentifier [1] LawfulInterceptionIdentifier , --This identifier is the LIID identity provided with the lawful authorization --for each target . communicationIdentifier [2] CommunicationIdentifier OPTIONAL, --only the NWO/PA/SvPIdentifier is provided (the one provided with the Lawful --authorization). -- called callIdentifier in Edition 1 timeStamp [3] TimeStamp, --date and time of the report.) ... } Alarm-Indicator ::= SEQUENCE { communicationIdentifier [1] CommunicationIdentifier OPTIONAL, --only the NWO/PA/SvPIdentifier is provided (the one provided with the --Lawful authorization) timeStamp [2] TimeStamp, --date and time of the report. alarm-information [3] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1 .. 25)), --Provides information about alarms (free format) ... } --PARAMETERS END -- H1CircuitDataOperations HI2Operations { ITU-T (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) securityDomain (2) lawfulIntercept (2) hi2 (1) version2 (2)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS sending-of-IRI, CommunicationIdentifier, TimeStamp, OperationErrors, SMS-report, LawfulInterceptionIdentifier, Supplementary-Services, CC-Link-Identifier; IMPORTS OPERATION, ERROR FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {joint-iso-itu-t (2) remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)} hi2DomainId FROM SecurityDomainDefinitions { ITU-T (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) securityDomain (2)}; sending-of-IRI OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT IRIContent ERRORS { OperationErrors } CODE global:{ hi2DomainId sending-of-IRI (1) version1 (1)} } -- Class 2 operation . The timer shall be set to a value between 3 s and 240 s. -- The timer.default value is 60s. -- NOTE: The same note as for HI management operation applies. IRIContent ::= CHOICE { iRI-Begin-record [1] IRI-Parameters, --at least one optional parameter must be included within the iRI-Begin-Record iRI-End-record [2] IRI-Parameters, iRI-Continue-record [3] IRI-Parameters, --at least one optional parameter must be included within the iRI-Continue-Record iRI-Report-record [4] IRI-Parameters, --at least one optional parameter must be included within the iRI-Report-Record ... } unknown-version ERROR ::= { CODE local:0} missing-parameter ERROR ::= { CODE local:1} unknown-parameter-value ERROR ::= { CODE local:2} unknown-parameter ERROR ::= { CODE local:3} OperationErrors ERROR ::= { unknown-version | missing-parameter | unknown-parameter-value | unknown-parameter } --This values may be sent by the LEMF, when an operation or a parameter is misunderstood, IRI-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { iRIversion [23] ENUMERATED { version2(2), ... } OPTIONAL, -- if not present, it means version 1 is handled lawfulInterceptionIdentifier [1] LawfulInterceptionIdentifier , --This identifier is associated to the target. communicationIdentifier [2] CommunicationIdentifier, --used to uniquely identify an intercepted call. -- called CallIdentifier in Edition 1 of the document timeStamp [3] TimeStamp, --date and time of the event triggering the report.) intercepted-Call-Direct [4] ENUMERATED { not-Available(0), originating-Target(1), -- in case of GPRS, this indicates that the PDP context activation -- or deactivation is MS requested terminating-Target(2), -- in case of GPRS, this indicates that the PDP context activation or deactivation is -- network initiated ... } OPTIONAL, intercepted-Call-State [5] Intercepted-Call-State OPTIONAL, ringingDuration [6] OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) OPTIONAL, --Duration in seconds. BCD coded : HHMMSS conversationDuration [7] OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) OPTIONAL, --Duration in seconds. BCD coded : HHMMSS locationOfTheTarget [8] Location OPTIONAL, --location of the target subscriber partyInformation [9] SET SIZE (1..10) OF PartyInformation OPTIONAL, --This parameter provides the concerned party (Originating, Terminating or forwarded party), -- the identiy(ies) of the party and all the information provided by the party. callContentLinkInformation [10] SEQUENCE { cCLink1Characteristics [1] CallContentLinkCharacteristics OPTIONAL, --information concerning the Content of Communication Link Tx channel established -- toward the LEMF (or the sum signal channel, in case of mono mode). cCLink2Characteristics [2] CallContentLinkCharacteristics OPTIONAL, --information concerning the Content of Communication Link Rx channel established --toward the LEMF. ... } OPTIONAL, release-Reason-Of-Intercepted-Call [11] OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)) OPTIONAL, -- Release cause coded in [31] format. -- This parameter indicates the reason why the -- intercepted call cannot be established or why the intercepted call has been -- released after the active phase. nature-Of-The-intercepted-call [12] ENUMERATED { --Nature of the intercepted "call" : gSM-ISDN-PSTN-circuit-call(0), --the posssible UUS content is sent through the HI3 "data" interface --the possible call content call is establihed through the HI3 "circuit" interface gSM-SMS-Message(1), --the SMS content is sent through the HI2 or HI3 "data" interface uUS4-Messages(2), --the UUS content is sent through the HI3 "data" interface tETRA-circuit-call(3), --the possible call content call is establihed through the HI3 "circuit" interface --the possible data are sent through the HI3 "data" interface teTRA-Packet-Data(4), --the data are sent through the HI3 "data" interface gPRS-Packet-Data(5), --the data are sent through the HI3 "data" interface ... } OPTIONAL, serverCenterAddress [13] PartyInformation OPTIONAL, --e.g. in case of SMS message this parameter provides the address of the relevant --server within the calling (if server is originating) or called (if server is terminating) -- party address parameters sMS [14] SMS-report OPTIONAL, --this parameter provides the SMS content and associated information cC-Link-Identifier [15] CC-Link-Identifier OPTIONAL, --Depending on a network option, this parameter may be used to identify a CC link --in case of multiparty calls. national-Parameters [16] National-Parameters OPTIONAL, gPRSCorrelationNumber [18] GPRSCorrelationNumber OPTIONAL, gPRSevent [20] GPRSEvent OPTIONAL, -- This information is used to provide particular action of the target -- such as attach/detach sgsnAddress [21] DataNodeAddress OPTIONAL, gPRSOperationErrorCode [22] GPRSOperationErrorCode OPTIONAL, ... } -- PARAMETERS FORMATS CommunicationIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { communication-Identity-Number [0] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1 .. 8)) OPTIONAL, --Temporary Identifier of an intercepted call to uniquely identify an intercepted call --within the node (free format). This parameter is mandatory if there is associated --information sent over HI3interface (CClink, data,..) or when --CommunicationIdentifier is used for IRI other than IRI-Report-recor --This parameter was called call-Identity-Number in Ed.1 of the document network-Identifier [1] Network-Identifier, ... } --NB : The same "CommunicationIdentifier" value is sent : --with the HI3 information for correlation purpose between the IRI and the --information sent on the HI3 interfaces (CCLink, data, ..) --with each IRI associated to a same intercepted call for correlation purpose between --the different IRI Network-Identifier ::= SEQUENCE { operator-Identifier [0] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1 .. 5)), --it's a notification of the NWO/AP/SvP in ASCII- characters --the parameter is mandatory. network-Element-Identifier [1] Network-Element-Identifier OPTIONAL, ... } Network-Element-Identifier ::= CHOICE { e164-Format [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1 .. 25)), --E164 address of the node in international format. Coded in the same format as the --calling party number parameter of the ISUP (parameter part : [5]) x25-Format [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1 .. 25)), --X25 address iP-Format [3] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1 .. 25)), --IP address dNS-Format [4] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1 .. 25)), --DNS address ... } CC-Link-Identifier ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..8)) --Depending on a network option, this parameter may be used to identify a CClink --in case of multiparty calls. TimeStamp ::= CHOICE { localTime [0] LocalTimeStamp, utcTime [1] UTCTime } --The UTC Time is an ASN1 universal class and its format is the one defined --in case b) of the ASN1 recommendation [33] (year month day --hour minutes seconds) LocalTimeStamp ::= SEQUENCE { generalizedTime [0] GeneralizedTime, --The generalized Time format is an ASN1 universal class and its format is the --one defined in case a) of the ASN1 recommendation [33], b) (year --month day hour minutes seconds) winterSummerIndication [1] ENUMERATED { notProvided(0), winterTime(1), summerTime(2), ... } } PartyInformation ::= SEQUENCE { party-Qualifier [0] ENUMERATED { originating-Party(0), --In this case, the partyInformation parameter provides the identities related to --the originating party and all information provided by this party. --This parameter provides also all the information concerning the redirecting --party when a forwarded call reaches a target. terminating-Party(1), --In this case, the partyInformation parameter provides the identies related to --the terminating party and all information provided by this party. forwarded-to-Party(2), --In this case, the partyInformation parameter provides the identies related to --the forwarded to party and parties beyond this one and all information --provided by this parties, including the call forwarding reason . gPRS-Target(3), ... }, partyIdentity [1] SEQUENCE { imei [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL, --See MAP format [32] tei [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..15)) OPTIONAL, --ISDN-based Terminal Equipment Identity imsi [3] OCTET STRING (SIZE (3..8)) OPTIONAL, --See MAP format [32] International Mobile --Station Identity E.212 number beginning with Mobile Country Code callingPartyNumber [4] CallingPartyNumber OPTIONAL , --The calling party format is used to transmit the identity of a calling party calledPartyNumber [5] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL , --The called party format is used to transmit the identy of a called party or --a forwarded to party. msISDN [6] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..9)) OPTIONAL, -- MSISDN of the target, encoded in the same format as the AddressString -- parameters defined in MAP format document ref [32], � 14.7.8 ... }, services-Information [2] Services-Information OPTIONAL, --This parameter is used to transmit all the information concerning the --complementary information associated to the basic call supplementary-Services-Information [3] Supplementary-Services OPTIONAL, --This parameter is used to transmit all the information concerning the --activation/invocation of supplementary services during a call or out-of call not --provided by the previous parameters. services-Data-Information [4] Services-Data-Information OPTIONAL, -- This parameter is used to transmit all the information concerning the complementary -- information associated to the basic data call ... } CallingPartyNumber ::= CHOICE { iSUP-Format [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..25)), --Encoded in the same format as the calling party number (parameter field) --of the ISUP (see [5]) dSS1-Format [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..25)), --Encoded in the format defined for the value part of the Calling party number --inf. ele. of DSS1 protocol [6]. The DSS1 Information --element identifier and the DSS1 length are not included . ... } CalledPartyNumber ::= CHOICE { iSUP-Format [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..25)), --Encoded in the same format as the called party number (parameter field) --of the ISUP (see [5]) mAP-Format [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..25)), --Encoded as AddressString of the MAP protocol [32] dSS1-Format [3] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..25)), --Encoded in the format defined for the value part of the Called party number inf. --ele. Of DSS1 protocol [6] . The DSS1 Information element --identifier and the DSS1 length are not included . ... } Location ::= SEQUENCE { e164-Number [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1 .. 25)) OPTIONAL, --coded in the same format as the ISUP location number (parameter --field) of the ISUP (see [5]) globalCellID [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE (5..7)) OPTIONAL, --see MAP format (see [32]) tetraLocation [3] TetraLocation OPTIONAL, rAI [4] OCTET STRING (SIZE (6)) OPTIONAL, -- the Routeing Area Identifier is coded in accordance with the � of -- document ref [41] without the Routing Area Identification IEI (only the -- last 6 octets are used) gsmLocation [5] GSMLocation OPTIONAL, umtsLocation [6] UMTSLocation OPTIONAL, sAI [7] OCTET STRING (SIZE (7)) OPTIONAL, -- format: PLMN-ID 3 octets (no. 1 - 3), -- LAC 2 octets (no. 4 - 5), -- SAC 2 octets (no. 6 - 7) -- (according to 3GPP TS 25.413) ... } TetraLocation ::= CHOICE { ms-Loc [1] SEQUENCE { mcc [1] INTEGER (0..1023), --16 bits ETS [40] mnc [2] INTEGER (0..1023), --14 bits ETS [40] lai [3] INTEGER (0..65535), --14 bits ETS [40] ci [4] INTEGER OPTIONAL }, -- (to be completed) ls-Loc [2] INTEGER -- (to be confirmed and completed) } GSMLocation ::= CHOICE { geoCoordinates [1] SEQUENCE { latitude [1] PrintableString (SIZE(7..10)), -- format : XDDMMSS.SS longitude [2] PrintableString (SIZE(8..11)) -- format : XDDDMMSS.SS }, -- format : XDDDMMSS.SS -- X : N(orth), S(outh), E(ast), W(est) -- DD or DDD : degrees (numeric characters) -- MM : minutes (numeric characters) -- SS.SS : seconds, the second part (.SS) is optionnal -- Example : -- latitude short form N502312 -- longitude long form E1122312.18 utmCoordinates [2] SEQUENCE { utm-East [1] PrintableString (SIZE(10)), utm-North [2] PrintableString (SIZE(7)) -- example utm-East 32U0439955 -- utm-North 5540736 }, utmRefCoordinates [3] PrintableString (SIZE(13)), -- example 32UPU91294045 wGS84Coordinates [4] OCTET STRING (SIZE(7..10)) -- format is as defined in GSM 03.32; polygon type of shape is not allowed. } UMTSLocation ::= CHOICE { point [1] GA-Point, pointWithUnCertainty [2] GA-PointWithUnCertainty, polygon [3] GA-Polygon, ... } GeographicalCoordinates ::= SEQUENCE { latitudeSign ENUMERATED { north, south }, latitude INTEGER (0..8388607), longitude INTEGER (-8388608..8388607), ... } GA-Point ::= SEQUENCE { geographicalCoordinates GeographicalCoordinates, ... } GA-PointWithUnCertainty ::=SEQUENCE { geographicalCoordinates GeographicalCoordinates, uncertaintyCode INTEGER (0..127) } maxNrOfPoints INTEGER ::= 15 GA-Polygon ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfPoints)) OF SEQUENCE { geographicalCoordinates GeographicalCoordinates, ... } CallContentLinkCharacteristics ::= SEQUENCE { cCLink-State [1] CCLink-State OPTIONAL, --current state of the CCLink release-Time [2] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, --date and time of the release of the Call Content Link. release-Reason [3] OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) OPTIONAL, --Release cause coded in [31] format. lEMF-Address [4] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, --Directory number used to route the call toward the LEMF. ... } CCLink-State ::= ENUMERATED { setUPInProcess(1), callActive(2), callReleased(3), lack-of-resource(4), --the lack-of-resource state is sent when a CC Link cannot --be established because of lack of resource at the MF level ... } Intercepted-Call-State ::= ENUMERATED { idle(1), --When the intercept call is released, the state is IDLE and the reason is provided --by the release-Reason-Of-Intercepted-Call parameter. setUpInProcees(2), --The setup of the call is in process connected (3), --The answer has been received ... } Services-Information ::= SEQUENCE { iSUP-parameters [1] ISUP-parameters OPTIONAL, dSS1-parameters-codeset-0 [2] DSS1-parameters-codeset-0 OPTIONAL, ... } ISUP-parameters ::= SET SIZE (1..256) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) --each "OCTET STRING" contains one additional ISUP parameter TLV coded not already defined in --the previous parameters. The Tag value is the one given in Recommendation [5] . --The Length and the Value are coded in accordance with the parameter definition in recommendation --[5]. Hereafter are listed the main parameters. However other parameters may be added : --Transmission medium requirement : format defined in recommendation [5] --This parameter can be provided with the "Party Information" of the "calling party" --Transmission medium requirement prime : format defined in recommendation [5] --This parameter can be provided with the "Party Information" of the "calling party" DSS1-parameters-codeset-0 ::= SET SIZE (1..256) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) --each "OCTET STRING" contains one DSS1 parameter of the codeset 0. The parameter is coded as --described in recommendation [6] (The DSS1 Information element identifier and the DSS1 length --are included). Hereafter are listed the main parameters (However other parameters may be added) : --Bearer capability : this parameter may be repeated. Format defined in recommendation [6] --This parameter can be provided with the "Party Information" of the "calling party", --"called party" or "forwarded to party". --High Layer Compatibility : this parameter may be repeated. Format defined in -- recommendation [6]. --This parameter can be provided with the "Party Information" of the "calling party", --"called party" or " forwarded to party". --Low Layer capability : this parameter may be repeated. Format defined in -- recommendation [6]. --This parameter can be provided with the "Party Information" of the "calling party", --"called party" or "forwarded to party". Supplementary-Services ::= SEQUENCE { standard-Supplementary-Services [1] Standard-Supplementary-Services OPTIONAL , non-Standard-Supplementary-Services [2] Non-Standard-Supplementary-Services OPTIONAL, other-Services [3] Other-Services OPTIONAL, ... } Standard-Supplementary-Services ::= SEQUENCE { iSUP-SS-parameters [1] ISUP-SS-parameters OPTIONAL, dSS1-SS-parameters-codeset-0 [2] DSS1-SS-parameters-codeset-0 OPTIONAL, dSS1-SS-parameters-codeset-4 [3] DSS1-SS-parameters-codeset-4 OPTIONAL, dSS1-SS-parameters-codeset-5 [4] DSS1-SS-parameters-codeset-5 OPTIONAL, dSS1-SS-parameters-codeset-6 [5] DSS1-SS-parameters-codeset-6 OPTIONAL, dSS1-SS-parameters-codeset-7 [6] DSS1-SS-parameters-codeset-7 OPTIONAL, dSS1-SS-Invoke-components [7] DSS1-SS-Invoke-Components OPTIONAL, mAP-SS-Parameters [8] MAP-SS-Parameters OPTIONAL, mAP-SS-Invoke-Components [9] MAP-SS-Invoke-Components OPTIONAL, ... } Non-Standard-Supplementary-Services ::= SET SIZE (1..20) OF CHOICE { simpleIndication [1] SimpleIndication, sciData [2] SciDataMode, ... } Other-Services ::= SET SIZE (1..50) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) --reference manufacturer manuals ISUP-SS-parameters ::= SET SIZE (1..256) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) -- It must be noticed this parameter is retained for compatibility reasons. -- It is recommended not to use it in new work but to use ISUP-parameters parameter. --each "OCTET STRING" contains one additional ISUP parameter TLV coded not already defined in --the previous parameters. The Tag value is the one given in recommendation [5] . --The Length and the Value are coded in accordance with the parameter definition in recommendation -- [5]. Hereafter are listed the main parameters. However other parameters may be added : --Connected Number : format defined in recommendation [5] --This parameter can be provided with the " Party Information" of the --"called party" or "forwarded to party" --RedirectingNumber : format defined in recommendation [5] --This parameter can be provided with the " Party Information" of the "originating party" --Original Called Party Number : format defined in recommendation [5] --This parameter can be provided with the " Party Information" of the --"originating party".. --Redirection information : format defined in recommendation [5] --This parameter can be provided with the "Party Information" of the --"originating party" , "forwarded to party" or/and "Terminating party" --Redirection Number : format defined in recommendation [5] --This parameter can be provided with the "Party Information" of the --"forwarded to party" or "Terminating party" --Call diversion information: format defined in recommendation [5] --This parameter can be provided with the "Party Information" of the --"forwarded to party" or "Terminating party" . --Generic Number : format defined in recommendation [5] --This parameter can be provided with the "Party Information"of the --"calling party", "called party" or "forwarded to party". --This parameters are used to transmit additional identities (additional ,calling party --number, additional called number, ...) --Generic Notification : format defined in recommendation [5] --This parameter may be provided with the "Party Information" of the --"calling party", "called party" or "forwarded to party". --This parameters transmit the notification to the other part of the call of the supplementary --services activated or invoked by a subscriber during the call. --CUG Interlock Code : format defined in recommendation [5] --This parameter can be provided with the "Party Information" of the --"calling party". DSS1-SS-parameters-codeset-0 ::= SET SIZE (1..256) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) --each "OCTET STRING" contains one DSS1 parameter of the codeset 0. The parameter is coded as --described in recommendation [6] (The DSS1 Information element identifier and the DSS1 length --are included). Hereafter are listed the main parameters (However other parameters may be added) : --Calling Party Subaddress : Format defined in recommendation [6]. --This parameter can be provided with the "Party Information" of the --"calling party". --Called Party Subaddress : Format defined in recommendation [6]. --This parameter can be provided with the "Party Information" of the --"calling party", . --Connected Subaddress. : Format defined in recommendation (see [14]). --This parameter can be provided with the "Party Information" of the --"called party" or "forwarded to party". --Connected Number : Format defined in recommendation (see [14]). --This parameter can be provided with the "Party Information" of the --"called party" or "forwarded to party". --Keypad facility : Format defined in recommendation [6]. --This parameter can be provided with the "Party Information" of the --"calling party", "called party" or "forwarded to party" --Called Party Number : format defined in recommendation [5] --This parameter could be provided with the "Party Information" of the "calling party" --when target is the originating party; it contains the dialled digits before modification --at network level (e.g. IN interaction, translation, etc ...) DSS1-SS-parameters-codeset-4 ::= SET SIZE (1..256) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) --each "OCTET STRING" contains one DSS1 parameter of the codeset 4. The parameter is coded as --described in the relevant recommendation . DSS1-SS-parameters-codeset-5 ::= SET SIZE (1..256) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) --each "OCTET STRING" contains one DSS1 parameter of the codeset 5. The parameter is coded as --described in the relevant national recommendation . DSS1-SS-parameters-codeset-6 ::= SET SIZE (1..256) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) --each "OCTET STRING" contains one DSS1 parameter of the codeset 6. The parameter is coded as --described in the relevant local network recommendation . DSS1-SS-parameters-codeset-7 ::= SET SIZE (1..256) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) --each "octet string" contains one DSS1 parameter of the codeset 7. The parameter is coded as --described in the relevant user specific recommendation . DSS1-SS-Invoke-Components ::= SET SIZE (1..256) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) --each "octet string" contains one DSS1 Invoke or Return Result component. --The invoke or return result component is coded as --described in the relevant DSS1 supplementary service recommendation. --Invoke or Return Result component (BeginCONF) : reference [19] --Invoke or Return Result component (AddCONF) : reference [19] --Invoke or Return Result component (SplitCONF) : reference [19] --Invoke or Return Result component (DropCONF) : reference [19] --Invoke or Return Result component (IsolateCONF) : reference [19] --Invoke or Return Result component (ReattachCONF) : reference [19] --Invoke or Return Result component (PartyDISC) : reference [19] --Invoke or Return Result component (MCIDRequest) : reference [16] --Invoke or Return Result component (Begin3PTY) : reference [20] --Invoke or Return Result component (End3PTY) : reference [20] --Invoke or Return Result component (ECTExecute) : reference [25] --Invoke or Return Result component (ECTInform) : reference [25] --Invoke or Return Result component (ECTLinkIdRequest) : reference [25] --Invoke or Return Result component (ECTLoopTest) : reference [25] --Invoke or Return Result component (ExplicitECTExecute) : reference [25] --Invoke or Return Result component (ECT : RequestSubaddress) : reference [25] --Invoke or Return Result component (ECT : SubaddressTransfer) : reference [25] --Invoke or Return Result component (CF : ActivationDiversion) : reference [21] --Invoke or Return Result component (CF : DeactivationDiversion) : reference [21] --Invoke or Return Result component (CF : ActivationStatusNotification) : reference [21] --Invoke or Return Result component (CF : DeactivationStatusNotification) : reference [21] --Invoke or Return Result component (CF : InterrogationDiversion) : reference [21] --Invoke or Return Result component (CF : InterrogationServedUserNumber) : reference [21] --Invoke or Return Result component (CF : DiversionInformation) : reference [21] --Invoke or Return Result component (CF : CallDeflection) : reference [21] --Invoke or Return Result component (CF : CallRerouteing) : reference [21] --Invoke or Return Result component (CF : DivertingLegInformation1) : reference [21] --Invoke or Return Result component (CF : DivertingLegInformation2) : reference [21] --Invoke or Return Result component (CF : DivertingLegInformation3) : reference [21] --other invoke or return result components ... MAP-SS-Invoke-Components ::= SET SIZE (1..256) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) --each "octet string" contains one MAP Invoke or Return Result component. --The invoke or return result component is coded as --described in the relevant MAP supplementary service recommendation. MAP-SS-Parameters ::= SET SIZE (1..256) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) --each "octet string" contains one MAP Parameter. The parameter is coded as --described in the relevant MAP supplementary service recommendation. SimpleIndication ::= ENUMERATED { call-Waiting-Indication(0), --the target has received a call waiting indication for this call add-conf-Indication(1), --this call has been added to a conference call-on-hold-Indication(2), --indication that this call is on hold retrieve-Indication(3), --indication that this call has been retreived suspendIndication(4), -- indication that this call has been suspended resume-Indication(5), -- indication that this call has been resumed answer-Indication(6), --indication that this call has been answered ... } SciDataMode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) SMS-report ::= SEQUENCE { communicationIdentifier [1] CommunicationIdentifier, -- used to uniquely identify an intercepted call : the same used for the -- relevant IRI -- called CallIdentifier in Ed.1 of the document timeStamp [2] TimeStamp, --date and time of the report. The format is --the one defined in case a) of the ASN1 recommendation [33]. --(year month day hour minutes seconds) sMS-Contents [3] SEQUENCE { initiator [1] ENUMERATED { --party which sent the SMS target(0), server(1), undefined-party(2), ... }, transfer-status [2] ENUMERATED { succeed-transfer(0), --the transfer of the SMS message succeeds not-succeed-transfer(1), undefined(2), ... } OPTIONAL, other-message [3] ENUMERATED { --in case of terminating call, indicates if the server will send --other SMS yes(0), no(1), undefined(2), ... } OPTIONAL, content [4] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1 .. 270)) , --Encoded in the format defined for the SMS mobile ... } } LawfulInterceptionIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..25)) --It is recommended to use ASCII characters in "a"..."z", "A"..."Z", "-", "_", ".", and "0"..."9" --For sub-address option only "0"..."9" shall be us National-Parameters ::= SET SIZE (1..40) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) --Content defined by national law GPRSCorrelationNumber ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) GPRSEvent ::= ENUMERATED { pDPContextActivation(1), startOfInterceptionWithPDPContextActive(2), pDPContextDeactivation(4), gPRSAttach (5), gPRSDetach (6), cellOrRAUpdate (10), sMS (11), ... } -- see ref [42] Services-Data-Information ::= SEQUENCE { gPRS-parameters [1] GPRS-parameters OPTIONAL, ... } GPRS-parameters ::= SEQUENCE { pDP-address-allocated-to-the-target [1] DataNodeAddress OPTIONAL, aPN [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..100)) OPTIONAL, pDP-type [3] OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) OPTIONAL, ... } GPRSOperationErrorCode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) -- refer to standard [41] for values(GMM cause or SM cause parameter). DataNodeAddress ::= CHOICE { ipAddress [1] IPAddress, x25Address [2] X25Address, ... } IPAddress ::= SEQUENCE { iP-type [1] ENUMERATED { iPV4(0), iPV6(1), ... }, iP-value [2] IP-value, ... } IP-value ::= CHOICE { iPBinaryAddress [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE(4..16)), iPTextAddress [2] IA5String (SIZE(7..45)), ... } X25Address ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..25)) END -- OF HI2Operations HI3CircuitDataOperations { ITU-T (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) securityDomain (2) lawfulIntercept (2) hi3 (2) circuitLI (1) version2 (2)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= --The following operations are used to transmit user data which can be exchanged via the DSS1, ISUP --or MAP signalling (e.g. UUS, SMS) BEGIN IMPORTS OPERATION, ERROR FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {joint-iso-itu-t (2) remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)} hi3CircuitLISubDomainId FROM SecurityDomainDefinitions { ITU-T (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) securityDomain (2)} LawfulInterceptionIdentifier, CommunicationIdentifier, TimeStamp, OperationErrors, Supplementary-Services, SMS-report FROM HI2Operations { ITU-T (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) securityDomain (2) lawfulIntercept (2) hi2 (1) version2 (2)}; circuit-Call-related-Services OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT Content-Report ERRORS { OperationErrors } CODE global:{ hi3CircuitLISubDomainId circuit-Call-Serv (1) version1 (1)} } -- Class 2 operation . The timer shall be set to a value between 3 s and 240 s. -- The timer default value is 60s. -- NOTE: The same note as for HI management operation applies. no-Circuit-Call-related-Services OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT Content-Report ERRORS { OperationErrors } CODE global:{ hi3CircuitLISubDomainId no-Circuit-Call-Serv (2) version1 (1)} } --Class 2 operation . The timer must be set to a value between 10s and 120s. --The timer default value is 60s. Content-Report ::= SEQUENCE { lawfulInterceptionIdentifier [6] LawfulInterceptionIdentifier OPTIONAL, communicationIdentifier [1] CommunicationIdentifier, --used to uniquely identify an intercepted call: the same as used for the relevant IRI --called CallIdentifier in edition 1 of the document timeStamp [2] TimeStamp, initiator [3] ENUMERATED { originationg-party(0), terminating-party(1), forwarded-to-party(2), undefined-party(3), ... } OPTIONAL, content [4] Supplementary-Services OPTIONAL, --UUI are encoded in the format defined for the User-to-user information parameter --of the ISUP protocol (see [5]).Only one UUI parameter is sent per message. sMS-report [5] SMS-report OPTIONAL, ... } END -- HI3CircuitDataOperations HI3CCLinkData { ITU-T (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) securityDomain (2) lawfulIntercept (2) hi3 (2) cclinkLI (4) version2 (2)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS LawfulInterceptionIdentifier, CommunicationIdentifier, CC-Link-Identifier FROM HI2Operations { ITU-T (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) securityDomain (2) lawfulIntercept (2) hi2 (1) version2 (2)}; UUS1-Content ::= SEQUENCE { lawfullInterceptionIdentifier [1] LawfulInterceptionIdentifier, communicationIdentifier [2] CommunicationIdentifier, cC-Link-Identifier [3] CC-Link-Identifier OPTIONAL, direction-Indication [4] Direction-Indication, bearer-capability [5] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..12)) OPTIONAL, -- transport the Bearer capability information element (value part) -- Protocol: ETS [6] service-Information [7] Service-Information OPTIONAL, ... } Direction-Indication ::= ENUMERATED { mono-mode(0), cc-from-target(1), cc-from-other-party(2), ... } Service-Information ::= SET { high-layer-capability [0] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) OPTIONAL, -- HLC (octet 4 only) -- Protocol: ETS [6] tMR [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) OPTIONAL, -- Tranmission Medium Required -- Protocol: ISUP [5] bearerServiceCode [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) OPTIONAL, teleServiceCode [3] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) OPTIONAL -- from MAP, ETS 300 974, cl. 14.7.9 and cl. 14.7.10 } END -- HI3CCLinkData